22 year female with uncontrolled type one diabetes mellitus

A 23 y old female came to opd with 

chief complaints of body pains, generalized weakness, head ache ,Giddiness , burning sensation in both upper and lower limbs, eyes since 1 month.


Giddiness - once or twice a week lasting for 5-10 min , not associated with vomiting, tinnitus .

No complaints of fever, vomitings.

When she is of 7 y age , she had fever and fell unconscious and  admitted in hospital , remained in unconscious state till 3 days and there was detected as diabetes mellitus type 1 ,from then she is on continuous medication 30 units human mixtard in morning and 25 units in the night. 

 From 3 months back, she is having high sugars( > 500 mg/dl) 


 Past history :  

She is detected hypothyroid 6 months back and on medication tyronorm 25 mg.

 No HTN, TB , epilepsy, CAD.

 Till her 6 y of age she has h/0 bed wetting daily.

Family history: 

No similar complaints in the family.

 Mother and father has consanguinous marriage.



 Temp: afebrile

  PR: 8bpm

  BP: 13070 mm hg

   RR: 20 cpm

   GRBS : 177


    General examination:

    No pallor , icterus , cyanosis, clubbing, edema

   CVS: s1s2 heard

    RS: BAE+ NVBS+

    P/A: soft, non tender, bowels sounds heard


Provisional diagnosis:

Type 1 diabetes mellitus with uncontrolled sugars with hypothyroidism.



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